Hearing Test
Our entire goal is to help you hear to the very best of your ability. You can see this reflected in our testing, training, staff, and even the manufacturers we choose to work with.
It’s important to remember that every individual has different needs and preferences, because every individual has a completely unique hearing loss. Just because something worked for your friend or loved one, doesn’t mean it’s the best option for you…therefore we make sure to offer solutions for every person based on their actual hearing loss.
Early treatment is the most effective treatment. Talk to the experts. Call or text us.
Hearing test, what to expect.
Upon arrival our front desk staff will ask you to fill out a few forms; personal information, medical history, insurance information, etc.
At the start of your exam the hearing specialist will have a conversation with you about your lifestyle to determine if there are specific areas that you’re facing hearing difficulties.
Next, the hearing specialist may look into your ears with an otoscope. This is to determine if there are any objects or earwax obstructing your ear canal. Occasionally the hearing specialist will have a video otoscope, and you can see inside your ear also.
Testing will help us to determine:
- If you actually do have a hearing loss
- What the possible cause may be
- If your loss is in one ear or both
- The best treatment options
Why wait? You don’t have to live with hearing loss.
What do the results mean?
An audiogram is the form that your hearing test results are recorded on, shown in frequencies and decibels. The hearing specialist will go over this with you, and show you what exactly your hearing loss is.
The next step is to determine which solutions best fit your individual hearing loss. Our staff will take all the time needed to have a full discussion with you about your concerns, so that you can make a well informed decision.
Understanding your hearing loss and what options are available to you is one of the main parts of your journey to better hearing health. Schedule a hearing test with our hearing specialists to find out how we can assist and guide you on this journey.
Different Types of Hearing Tests
Audiometric testing uses a series of high and low frequency words to determine how well you can understand speech over a short distance, what we refer to as “conversational distance”. The specialist will have you repeat the words to determine what percentage of hearing loss you have.
Another exam is called tympanometry, and it will use air to create variations of pressure in your ear canal, which allows us to test the mobility of your eardrum and the condition of your middle ear.
Otoacoustic emission testing (OAEs) use acoustics to test and understand the functionality of the hair cells in your inner ear.
Our Process
Hearing Exams
Audiogram Results & Reviews
Hearing Loss Consultation & Hearing Aid Demostration
Hearing Aids Overview