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Hearing Loss

Do you often feel like everyone mumbles, or think that many people have very soft voices? Maybe you think the issue is with a restaurant or your workplace just being too noisy all the time?

The truth is that hearing loss happens slowly, gradually sneaking up on us over time. And it is MUCH more common than you might think.

Why wait? You don’t have to live with hearing loss.

Don't feel alone!

Based on the latest information, 13% (30 million) of the U.S. population ages 12 and older has hearing loss in one or both ears. And as the Baby Boomer generation continues to advance, that number grows higher each year. While hearing loss can be caused by medical issues and exposure to loud noise, usually it is just a result of aging.

On the bright side, most hearing loss is mild and can be treated! Can you imagine being able to listen to your television at a normal volume, not having to ask people to repeat themselves or speak loudly, and not feeling excluded because of your hearing loss?? 

With the right treatment, you will be able to go back to all of the things you enjoy that you may have been missing, and you can make sure you’re living life to the fullest! 

Early treatment is the most effective treatment. Talk to the experts. Call or text us.

The Mechanics of Hearing

Let’s talk about how hearing ACTUALLY works. 

It starts with the soundwaves entering your outer ear, which is the visible part on the outside of your head. Then those waves travel through your auditory canal, a passageway that has tiny hairs and small, earwax producing glands. At the end of your auditory canal is the middle ear, which is made up of the eardrum and three tiny bones, often referred to as the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup. When sound waves hit your eardrum, it vibrates and moves the bone shaped like a hammer. That bone then moves the anvil, which itself moves the stirrup, sending the vibrations directly into your inner ear.

The middle ear amplifies sound, and that is why significant hearing loss can result from any damage to any of its parts. The hair cells in your ears can be damaged by diseases, ototoxic drugs, and even just aging. Once those cells are gone, there is no way to repair or bring them back…luckily hearing aids can help compensate for their loss. 

9 Hearing Loss Myths


Hearing loss can be such a gradual process that it may take you quite a long time to notice it. Typically people’s first reaction is denial, blaming others for mumbling or having the TV too low. But after enough time it will eventually become clear that you ARE suffering from this condition, and it’s time to do something about it. Remember, your odds of having hearing loss are 1 in 5, so make sure you get tested right away. 

Fact: Maybe you do feel this way…but ask the people around you if they agree. Often our loved ones suffer right along with us, and we usually don’t consider or notice that. Also, hearing loss can lead to frustration, feelings of isolation, and even cognitive decline! It’s much better to address your loss instead of ignoring it and hoping it goes away.

Fact: Hearing loss is a progressive, degenerative disorder…meaning it absolutely WILL get worse with time. Researchers and experts call this “auditory deprivation”, meaning the longer you ignore it, the more you will lose. Hearing aids can absolutely help, but not if you let it go on for so long that you have no hearing left to save.

Fact: You could choose to do that…but the people around you are definitely going to have a problem with the excessive volume and with having to constantly repeat themselves. Bear in mind that most people resent being inconvenienced when they know that the person could just as easily take care of themselves.


Actually, hearing aids will work for almost everyone…as long as you use the correct technology with the correct settings. If you buy cheap online hearing aids that aren’t properly fitted to your specific hearing loss…well of course those won’t be much benefit.

However, if you work with your hearing specialist to find the correct aid, programmed to your specific loss, and fitted properly…then it will be a huge benefit!

Fact: These aren’t your granddad’s hearing aids. It’s true that hearing aids in the past were typically large and bulky, with very few styles to choose from. But these days modern manufacturers are offering a variety of styles and models that are designed to be small and discreet, with some even fitting completely in the ear canal to reduce visibility.


Hearing loss knows no age, and can affect literally anyone at any time in their life. However, if you’re constantly having to ask people to repeat themselves, or talk louder, or responding incorrectly because you didn’t quite catch what was said…that can actually give the illusion of you being older than you really are! 


Sure, you can save money by buying just one hearing aid. Or just one sock. Or just one shoe. Or tires for just one side of your car. But, is that really the BEST idea? Keep in mind that your ears not only help you determine sounds, and help you locate the direction those sounds are coming from…but they also help you maintain balance. If you do have hearing loss in both ears, then it is important, for YOUR sake, to treat them both equally. 


Last year over 108 MILLION ultra high definition 4K flat-screen televisions were sold, with some of those costing over $8,000!!! The people who bought them however, didn’t seem to mind the price so much…because it’s all about value. 

Hearing clearly is one of the key elements to staying active, healthy, and happy…and to avoiding feelings of frustration and isolation in your daily life. The question you need to ask yourself is…how much is that worth to YOU?


Talk to the experts. Call or text us today.

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Why wait? You don’t have to live with hearing loss.