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Sad person sitting in the hallway in the dim orange light.
Knowledge Base
Rob Kirkland

The Emotional Effects of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can have a significant impact on a person’s emotional well-being. According to the World Health Organization, more than 430 million people worldwide have hearing loss, which can affect their ability to communicate, socialize, work and enjoy life. In this blog post, we will explore some of the emotional effects of hearing loss and how to cope with them. What You May Experience Coping Strategies Hearing loss can have a profound impact on your emotional health, but it does not have to define your entire life. If you feel that you or a loved one is experiencing hearing loss, give us a call to see how we can help!!

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A fluffy brown rabbit sits amidst a field of grass and weeds under a blazing Texas sun.
Knowledge Base
Rob Kirkland

Hearing Aids in the Summer Heat.

Hearing aids are a great way to improve your quality of life and communication, but they can also pose some challenges in the summer heat. If you live in Texas, you know how hot and humid it can get, and how that can affect your hearing aids. Here are some tips on how to deal with hearing aids in the summer heat in Texas. Keep your hearing aids dry. Moisture is the enemy of hearing aids, as it can damage the delicate electronics and cause corrosion or mold. To prevent moisture buildup, avoid wearing your hearing aids when you sweat excessively, such as when exercising or working outdoors. If you do sweat, wipe your hearing aids with a dry cloth or use a hearing aid dryer or dehumidifier at night. You can also use a waterproof case or pouch to store your hearing aids when you are not wearing them. Protect your hearing aids from the sun. The sun can also harm your hearing aids by overheating them or fading their color. To avoid this, do not leave your hearing aids in direct sunlight, such as on the dashboard of your car or on a windowsill. You can also wear a hat or a visor to shade your hearing aids from the sun when you are outside. Clean your hearing aids regularly. The summer heat can also increase the amount of wax and debris that accumulates on your hearing aids, which can affect their performance and sound quality. To keep your hearing aids clean, use a soft brush or a wax pick to remove any wax or dirt from the openings and vents of your hearing aids. You can also use a damp cloth or a disinfectant wipe to gently wipe the surface of your hearing aids. Do not use alcohol, solvents, or other harsh chemicals that can damage your hearing aids. Check your batteries often. The summer heat can also drain your batteries faster than usual, as they have to work harder to power your hearing aids. To avoid running out of batteries unexpectedly, check them regularly with a battery tester or by listening for the low battery warning sound. You can also carry spare batteries with you in case you need to replace them. Do not store your batteries in hot places, such as in your car or near appliances, as this can shorten their lifespan. Visit your hearing specialist if you have any problems. If you notice any changes in the sound quality, volume, or comfort of your hearing aids, do not hesitate to contact us for a checkup or adjustment. Your hearing specialist can also help you with any repairs or maintenance that your hearing aids may need. You can also ask for more advice on how to care for your hearing aids in the summer heat.

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Doctor in scrubs writing on a chart.
Hearing Aids
Rob Kirkland

The Importance of Follow-Up Appointments After Purchasing Hearing Aids

When you invest in hearing aids, you are not only investing in a device to help you hear better but also in your overall quality of life. Hearing aids can greatly improve communication, social interactions, and even cognitive function. However, to get the most out of your hearing aids, it is crucial to attend follow-up appointments with your hearing aid specialist or hearing healthcare professional. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of these appointments and how they can help you achieve optimal results from your hearing aids. Initial Adjustments and Fine-Tuning After purchasing hearing aids, it’s common to need some adjustments as you get used to wearing them and experiencing improved hearing. During the initial fitting, your hearing aid specialist will program your hearing aids based on your hearing test results and personal preferences. However, it may take time to fully adapt to the new sounds and sensations. Follow-up appointments allow your hearing aid specialist to fine-tune your hearing aids based on your experiences and feedback. This may include adjusting the volume, frequency response, or noise reduction settings. By making these adjustments, you can ensure that your hearing aids are working effectively and providing the best possible listening experience. Addressing Any Issues As you begin using your hearing aids, you may encounter issues or have questions about their functionality. Follow-up appointments provide an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns with your hearing aid specialist. They can then troubleshoot any problems and make necessary adjustments or recommendations. Common issues that may arise include feedback, discomfort, or difficulty hearing in certain situations. Your hearing aid specialist can offer solutions and tips to help you overcome these challenges, ensuring that your hearing aids are working optimally for your needs. Monitoring Your Hearing Health Hearing loss is often a progressive condition, meaning it can worsen over time. Regular follow-up appointments allow your hearing aid specialist to track your hearing health and identify any changes that may require adjustments to your hearing aids. Early detection of changes in your hearing can help prevent further hearing loss and ensure that your hearing aids continue to provide the appropriate amplification. In addition to monitoring your hearing, follow-up appointments also serve as an opportunity for your hearing aid specialist to assess the overall health of your ears. They can check for earwax buildup or other issues that may impact the performance of your hearing aids or your overall hearing health. Providing Ongoing Support and Education Adapting to hearing aids can be a process that requires ongoing support and education. At follow-up appointments, your hearing aid specialist can provide tips on getting the most out of your hearing aids, such as how to properly clean and maintain them, strategies for better communication, and information on assistive listening devices or accessories that may enhance your hearing experience. Furthermore, your hearing aid specialist can discuss the latest advancements in hearing aid technology, keeping you informed about potential upgrades or improvements that could benefit your hearing needs. Building a Strong Relationship with Your Hearing Aid Specialist Lastly, attending regular follow-up appointments helps you establish a strong relationship with your hearing aid specialist. They become familiar with your unique hearing needs and preferences, allowing them to provide personalized care and recommendations. This relationship is invaluable in ensuring that you receive the best possible care for your hearing health. In conclusion, follow-up appointments after purchasing hearing aids are essential for achieving optimal hearing results and maintaining your overall hearing health. These appointments allow for fine-tuning of your hearing aids, addressing any issues, monitoring your hearing health, providing ongoing support and education, and building a strong relationship with your hearing aid specialist. By prioritizing these appointments, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your investment in hearing aids and enjoying an improved quality of life.

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Man standing in front of a blue background and holding his ears in pain.
Knowledge Base
Rob Kirkland

Protect Your Ears: The Impact of Loud Noises on Hearing and How to Respond

We’ve all been there – standing near a blasting speaker at a concert, or working in a noisy construction site. These situations may seem harmless, but did you know that prolonged exposure to loud noises can seriously harm your hearing? Understanding the risks and knowing how to respond when damage occurs is crucial to maintaining good ear health. The Noise Dilemma Hearing is a complex process that involves delicate structures within our ears. When sound waves enter our ears, they vibrate the eardrum, which sends these vibrations to tiny bones in the middle ear. These bones amplify the vibrations and send them to the inner ear where they are converted into electrical signals that our brain interprets as sound. When we are exposed to loud noises, these vibrations can become too strong, damaging the sensitive structures in our ears. This can lead to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), a type of hearing impairment resulting from exposure to high decibel (dB) sounds. To put it in perspective, normal conversation typically occurs at about 60 dB, while a rock concert can reach levels up to 120 dB. Prolonged exposure to noises above 85 dB can cause permanent hearing damage. Recognizing the Signs The first sign of NIHL is often a temporary threshold shift, a short-term reduction in hearing sensitivity following exposure to loud noise. You might experience muffled hearing or tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears. Although this usually goes away after a period of rest from noise, repeated exposure can lead to permanent damage. What To Do If Damage Occurs? If you suspect that you’ve suffered from noise-induced hearing loss, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately. An audiologist can perform various tests to assess the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate treatment strategies. Protecting Your Hearing Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some steps you can take to protect your hearing: Remember, once your hearing is damaged, it might not be recoverable. So, protect your ears and cherish the gift of sound.

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a basket of fruit sitting on an outdoor table next to a sign that says buy local
Knowledge Base
Rob Kirkland

Why You Should Choose a Local Hearing Provider: A Comprehensive Guide

Hearing health is crucial to our overall well-being. Choosing the right hearing provider can significantly impact your quality of life. While larger national or international providers may seem like the go-to option due to their widespread recognition, local hearing providers offer unique benefits that you should consider. From personalized care to cost savings, let’s delve into why choosing a local hearing provider could be the best decision for your hearing needs. Personalized Care Tailored to Your Needs One of the most compelling reasons to select a local hearing provider is the personalized care they offer. Unlike larger chain clinics, local providers have the flexibility to tailor their services to meet your individual needs. Their approach is often more holistic, taking into account not just your hearing loss, but also your lifestyle, occupation, and personal preferences. In a study published in the Journal of Audiology & Otology, patients reported higher satisfaction rates with personalized hearing aid fittings compared to standard ones. This finding underscores the importance of personalized care in hearing health. Supporting Your Local Community By choosing a local hearing provider, you are directly supporting your local economy. These businesses are often owned and staffed by members of your community, and your patronage helps them thrive. Plus, these providers are invested in the community’s well-being, leading to a level of care that extends beyond the clinic’s walls. Cost Savings and Convenience Local hearing providers often offer competitive pricing compared to larger chains. They may also provide flexible payment options, making hearing care more affordable. Furthermore, local providers are conveniently located within your community, saving you time and travel costs. Accessibility and Quality of Service Local hearing providers tend to have shorter waiting times for appointments and offer more immediate care. They can also provide consistent care, as you will likely see the same provider at each visit, allowing for better understanding and management of your hearing health over time. Harnessing Updated Technology Contrary to popular belief, local hearing providers are at the forefront of hearing technology. They often work with a variety of hearing aid manufacturers, ensuring access to the latest devices. This diversity of products allows them to find the perfect device to suit your specific hearing needs. Conclusion Choosing a local hearing provider offers numerous advantages, from personalized care to supporting local economies. By opting for a local provider, you’re not just a number – you’re a valued member of their community. So don’t wait, give us a call or book an appointment online and experience the difference that local care can make in your hearing health journey.

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a tree in front of a sunset
Knowledge Base
Rob Kirkland

How Your Initial Appointment for Hearing Aids at Puretone Can Transform Your Life

Imagine a world where everyday sounds become distant whispers, where conversations are muffled, and the joys of music are diminished. This is the harsh reality for millions of individuals living with untreated hearing loss. Hearing loss not only affects our ability to communicate but also impacts our relationships, work, and overall wellbeing. At Puretone Hearing Aid Center, we understand the transformative power of addressing hearing loss. In this article, we will explore how your first hearing aid appointment at Puretone can be truly life-changing. The Importance of Seeking Help for Hearing Loss: Many people hesitate to seek help for their hearing loss due to various reasons. Some may be in denial, while others worry about the stigma associated with hearing aids. However, the consequences of untreated hearing loss can be severe. Research has shown that hearing loss can lead to social isolation, depression, cognitive decline, and even an increased risk of falls. By addressing hearing loss, we have the potential to greatly improve our quality of life and overall wellbeing. The Initial Appointment: What to Expect: Scheduling your initial appointment at Puretone is the crucial first step towards reclaiming your hearing. Our friendly and experienced team will guide you through the process, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident. During your appointment, various assessments and tests will be conducted to determine the extent of your hearing loss. This will include a comprehensive hearing evaluation, where our audiologists will assess different frequencies and volumes to create a detailed understanding of your unique hearing needs. The Benefits of a Customized Treatment Plan: One size does not fit all when it comes to hearing aids. At Puretone, we take pride in creating personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s specific hearing needs. Our experienced audiologists consider several factors, including your lifestyle, communication preferences, and budget, to recommend the most suitable hearing aids. With a wide range of hearing aid options available, we can customize the device to meet your requirements, ensuring maximum comfort, functionality, and performance. The Transformation: Life After Hearing Aids: The stories of our previous Puretone patients are a testament to the life-changing impact of hearing aids. Many have experienced remarkable improvements in their lives that go far beyond better hearing. Relationships have been rekindled, as they can now actively participate in conversations and engage with loved ones. Communication barriers at work have been demolished, leading to increased confidence and improved job performance. And perhaps most importantly, overall quality of life has been greatly enhanced, with patients reporting a renewed sense of happiness and fulfillment. One of our patients, John, shared his story with us. After years of struggling with hearing loss, he finally took the step to seek help and attend his first appointment at Puretone. With the guidance of our audiologists, John was fitted with a pair of hearing aids perfectly suited to his needs. He described the experience as nothing short of life-changing. Suddenly, he could hear the laughter of his grandchildren, enjoy music again, and actively engage in conversations with friends and family. John’s newfound confidence and joy serve as a reminder of the transformative power of addressing hearing loss. Don’t let hearing loss hold you back from living your best life. Take the first step towards transformation by scheduling an initial appointment at Puretone Hearing Aid Center. Our dedicated team of audiologists will guide you through the process, ensuring a comfortable and personalized experience. Remember, addressing hearing loss can have a profound impact on your relationships, work, and overall wellbeing. Don’t miss out on the joys of sound – let Puretone help you rediscover the beauty of life’s everyday sounds.

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glowing purple face
Hearing Aids
Rob Kirkland

The Transforming Journey of Hearing Aids: From Ear Trumpets to Cutting-Edge Digital Devices

When it comes to hearing loss, finding the right solution can make a world of difference in improving the quality of life. Thankfully, the evolution of hearing aids has brought us incredible advancements in technology, making it easier than ever to navigate the world of sound. Let’s take a journey through the history of hearing aids, from the early days of ear trumpets to the cutting-edge digital devices we have today. Ear Trumpets: The Early Days of Hearing Assistance Before the era of electronic hearing aids, people relied on ear trumpets to amplify sound. These cone-shaped devices were designed to direct sound waves into the ear canal. In the 17th to 19th centuries, ear trumpets were quite popular, providing a basic form of hearing assistance. However, they had their limitations. Ear trumpets were large and cumbersome, making them inconvenient to carry around. Additionally, their amplification capabilities were limited, and they often caused discomfort. The Era of Analog Hearing Aids In the early 20th century, the introduction of carbon hearing aids marked a significant advancement in hearing aid technology. These devices utilized carbon microphones to amplify sound. As technology progressed, vacuum tube hearing aids were developed, offering even greater amplification. Analog hearing aids became smaller and more portable, providing better sound quality and comfort for individuals with hearing loss. However, they still had limitations, such as difficulty in adjusting volume levels and distinguishing between different sounds. The Digital Revolution: The Rise of Modern Hearing Aids The late 20th century brought forth a revolutionary change in hearing aid technology with the introduction of digital signal processing. Digital hearing aids transformed the way individuals with hearing loss experienced sound. They offered superior sound quality, clearer speech recognition, and enhanced customization options. With digital technology, hearing aids could distinguish between various sound frequencies, allowing for improved speech understanding even in noisy environments. These digital devices also presented more style options, ranging from behind-the-ear (BTE) to in-the-ear (ITE) styles. Cutting-Edge Technology in Hearing Aids Today, hearing aids continue to evolve, incorporating the latest advancements in technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have made their way into hearing aids, enabling them to adapt and personalize settings based on an individual’s unique needs and preferences. AI-powered hearing aids can analyze surrounding sounds and automatically adjust settings to optimize speech understanding. Smart features are another remarkable development in modern hearing aids. Automatic adjustments allow hearing aids to adapt to different listening environments, seamlessly transitioning between quiet conversations and bustling gatherings. Noise cancellation technology helps filter out unwanted background noise, ensuring a more focused listening experience. Directional microphones improve speech understanding by amplifying sounds coming from the front while reducing sounds from other directions. Telehealth and remote programming capabilities have also become prominent features in hearing aids. With these functionalities, individuals can receive remote adjustments and programming sessions, eliminating the need for frequent in-person visits to the hearing care professional. This convenience is especially valuable for those who have difficulty traveling or live in remote areas. The transformative journey of hearing aids from the era of ear trumpets to today’s cutting-edge digital devices has revolutionized the way we perceive sound. Functionality, comfort, and aesthetics have significantly improved, making hearing aids more accessible and user-friendly than ever before. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, it’s worth exploring the latest hearing aid options available at Puretone Hearing Aid Center. Their team of experienced professionals can guide you in finding the perfect solution tailored to your specific needs. Don’t let hearing loss hold you back from fully embracing the sounds of life. Embrace the technology that can transform your hearing experience and enhance your overall quality of life.

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man sitting sadly on a staircase
Knowledge Base
Rob Kirkland

The Consequences of Ignoring Hearing Loss on Your Overall Health

Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It not only impacts your ability to hear but also has far-reaching consequences on your overall health and well-being. In this article, we’ll explore how untreated hearing loss can significantly impact your cognitive function, mental health, physical well-being, and social interactions. It’s crucial to address hearing loss promptly to mitigate these risks and maintain a high quality of life. The Link Between Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline: Recent research has shown a clear link between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline, including the risk of developing conditions such as dementia. When left unaddressed, hearing loss can lead to social isolation and cognitive overload. Struggling to hear and understand others’ conversations can result in withdrawing from social situations, leading to a lack of mental stimulation. The brain relies on these interactions to stay active and sharp. Early intervention, such as using hearing aids, can significantly reduce the risk of cognitive decline and preserve cognitive function. The Impact of Hearing Loss on Mental Health: Untreated hearing loss has been closely associated with mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. Struggling to hear and communicate effectively can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, and reduced self-esteem. This can negatively impact emotional well-being and overall mental health. Seeking treatment for hearing loss through the use of hearing aids and other interventions can improve communication, increase social engagement, and restore confidence, leading to enhanced mental well-being. The Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Physical Health: While it may not be immediately apparent, untreated hearing loss can also have a significant impact on your physical health. Studies have established connections between hearing loss and physical health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The reasons behind these associations may include increased stress levels resulting from the strain of understanding conversations, reduced physical activity due to social withdrawal, and the overall strain on the body caused by untreated hearing loss. By managing and treating hearing loss, you can reduce the risk of developing these physical health conditions and promote overall well-being. The Social Consequences of Ignoring Hearing Loss: Untreated hearing loss can lead to communication difficulties and strained relationships. Struggling to hear and understand others can result in misunderstandings, frustration, and even social withdrawal. This can diminish your quality of life and strain your interactions with family, friends, and colleagues. Additionally, hearing loss can impact job performance and career prospects, as it may hinder effective communication and collaboration in professional settings. Taking action by seeking professional help and considering hearing aids can significantly improve social interactions, restore relationships, and enhance overall enjoyment of life. The consequences of ignoring hearing loss can have a profound impact on your overall health and well-being. From cognitive decline to mental health issues, physical health conditions, and strained social interactions, untreated hearing loss can significantly diminish your quality of life. By addressing hearing loss through early intervention, such as booking an appointment and seeing how we can help, you can mitigate these risks and regain control over your health and enjoyment of life. Don’t let untreated hearing loss hold you back – take action today and unlock the benefits of improved hearing for a healthier and happier future.

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Knowledge Base
Rob Kirkland

The Impact of Various Frequencies on Our Hearing Capacity: Explained by Puretone Hearing Aid Center

Understanding our hearing capacity and the factors that influence it is crucial for maintaining good auditory health. Puretone Hearing Aid Center, with its extensive experience in audiology, is committed to helping individuals understand the impact of different frequencies on our hearing abilities. In this article, we will delve into the intricate relationship between frequencies and hearing, shedding light on how it affects our communication and daily lives. Understanding Frequencies and their Role in Hearing To comprehend the impact of frequencies on our hearing, we must first understand what frequencies are and how they are measured. Frequencies refer to the rate at which sound waves vibrate, and they are measured in Hertz (Hz). The human hearing range spans from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, with different frequency bands contributing to various aspects of our auditory perception. One crucial concept related to frequencies is pitch. Pitch is our perception of how high or low a sound is, closely tied to the frequency of the sound wave. Higher frequencies are perceived as high-pitched sounds, while lower frequencies are associated with low-pitched sounds. The Impact of High Frequencies on Hearing Capacity High-frequency sounds play a significant role in our everyday lives. They enable us to hear the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the delicate sounds of music. However, prolonged exposure to loud noises, aging, genetic factors, or certain medical conditions can lead to high-frequency hearing loss. High-frequency hearing loss can have profound consequences on our ability to communicate effectively. It often affects our understanding of speech, making it challenging to follow conversations, particularly in noisy environments. Additionally, it can diminish our enjoyment of music and our ability to perceive subtle sounds in our environment. The Impact of Low Frequencies on Hearing Capacity While high frequencies are vital for capturing delicate sounds, low frequencies also play a significant role in our auditory experiences. They allow us to appreciate the deep tones of music, the rumbling of thunder, and the low voices of individuals. However, like high frequencies, prolonged exposure to loud noises or certain medical conditions can cause low-frequency hearing loss. Low-frequency hearing loss can make it difficult to understand speech with deeper voices, and it may even hinder our ability to fully enjoy bass-heavy music or detect environmental sounds such as car engines or doorbells. It can be particularly challenging in situations where speech clarity is essential, leading to communication difficulties and feelings of social isolation. The Importance of Balanced Hearing across Frequencies To have healthy and well-rounded auditory experiences, it is crucial to achieve balanced hearing across all frequencies. Imbalanced hearing, whether it is a loss of high or low frequencies, can disrupt our ability to perceive the world fully. Individuals with imbalanced hearing may struggle to understand certain speech sounds or miss out on important auditory cues in their environment. Fortunately, advancements in audiology and hearing aid technology have made it possible to restore balanced hearing. Hearing aids can be customized to address specific frequency needs, allowing individuals to regain their ability to hear high and low-frequency sounds effectively. By restoring balanced hearing, individuals can once again engage in conversations, enjoy music, and experience the world with greater clarity. How Puretone Hearing Aid Center Can Help Puretone Hearing Aid Center offers a comprehensive range of services and expertise to address hearing loss and provide customized solutions. Their team of audiology professionals can assess your specific hearing needs, conduct thorough evaluations, and recommend appropriate treatments. Puretone Hearing Aid Center offers a variety of hearing aids and technologies designed to address different frequency needs. From discreet behind-the-ear devices to in-ear options, their experts will guide you in selecting the best solution for your unique requirements. With their support, you can look forward to improved hearing and a better quality of life. Don’t just take our word for it – hear from Puretone Hearing Aid Center’s satisfied patients. Mary, a regular customer, shares, “After struggling with high-frequency hearing loss for years, I finally decided to seek help from Puretone Hearing Aid Center. Their knowledgeable staff recommended a hearing aid that addressed my specific needs, and I couldn’t be happier. Now, I can enjoy conversations and appreciate music like never before.” Understanding frequencies and their impact on our hearing capacity is vital for maintaining good auditory health and overall quality of life. Whether it’s high or low-frequency hearing loss, achieving balance across all frequencies is key. Puretone Hearing Aid Center’s expertise and range of hearing aids and technologies are there to help you regain your balanced hearing, allowing you to fully engage in conversations, enjoy music, and experience the world with clarity. If you have any concerns about your hearing, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance from Puretone Hearing Aid Center – your partner in better auditory health.

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